
We’re glad you want to get in touch with us. Here you’ll find various ways to reach out to us.

Quick Help

For fast assistance, check out our collection of frequently asked questions and solutions to common problems. Make sure to visit our Help page first, as you might find a quick resolution to your inquiry there.


If your inquiry pertains to a specific post or pattern, we recommend leaving a comment directly there.

To do so, please navigate to the respective post or pattern. At the end of the pattern, you have the option to leave us a comment. Please describe your inquiry as precisely as possible so we can assist you.

Once you’ve submitted your comment, we’ll receive a notification and will do our best to assist you as quickly as possible. We’ll reply to your comment, and if you’ve provided your email address, you’ll even receive a notification via email.

Personal Contact

If your inquiry is very specific or involves sensitive personal data, personal contact is the best way to address it.

In this case, you can reach out to us in writing via email or verbally over the phone, depending on what’s more convenient and comfortable for you.

Phone: +49 (0) 34 604 25 174

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