
Crochet Weather Blanket – CAL – 14th Week

“Yellow, yellow, yellow are all my clothes! …. That´s why I love everything that is so yellow …”  I hummed this week while crocheting the weather blanket. It´s a German children’s song, maybe you hummed “Yellow submarine”. 😉 If you have no idea what this is about, you can read it in the Pattern to Crochet a Weather Blanket.

14th Week of Crocheting a Weather Blanket

We hat a lot of joy, you and me, as you could also see in the group. Because it´s finally spring and that raises the minds as you know. Most of us reached the 20°C mark on Saturday and had been allowed to crochet a new colour, yellow according to the original colour chart.

Day Temperature Weather
92 12 sun
93 20 sun
94 20 storm
95 14 unstable
96 12 some clouds
97 22 sun
98 19 sun

When you take a look at the weather blanket, you immediately see what April weather really means, because it´s a wonderful mix of colours and patterns. This is of course a great change and we can be curious if April remains the most varied month of the year. One or the other has to get comfortable with the new colour, but the experience shows that this will happen on it´s own as soon as there will be more of it.

This week I took this overview of the entire weather blanked. I think the at some point I have to stay on a ladder to photograph the whole blanket. 😉

Projection for the Weather Blanket

Then let´s move on to the usual ritual. The weather blanket now weighs 1315g and has a length of 70cm. With a factor of 3.7 for today, we get 259cm and 4865g. Due to the beautiful weather and the many rays of the sun, the weather blanket has grown again neatly.

Crochet Weather Blanket – Development of weight and length as well as projections
Weight (in g) Length (incm)
Time so far
valued so far
1st week 87 +87 4533 4 +4 208
2nd week 183 +96 4758 +225 9 +5 234 +26
3rd week 278 +95 4837 +79 12,5 +3,5 218 -16
4th week 364 +86 4732 -105 17 +4,5 221 +3
5th week 466 +102 4660 -72 22 +5 220 -1
6th week 562 +96 4889 +229 27 +5 234 +14
7th week 664 +102 4914 +25 32 +5 237 +3
8th week 750 +86 4875 -39 39 +6 254 +17
9th week 852 +102 4942 +67 43 +4 249 -5
10th week 944 +92 4909 -33 48 +5 250 +1
11th week 1020 +76 4794 -115 53 +5 249 -1
12th week 1141 +120 4906 +112 58 +5 249 0
13th week 1202 +61 4808 – 102 63 +5 252 +3
14th week 1315 +113 4865 +57 70 +7 259 +7


Here comes the next hands-on-task! Write a comment describing the work on your blanket and attach a photo of your blanket! If you are not ready yet, you can do that anytime! The following questions could help you: Have you also already been allowed to crochet yellow and did you enjoy it so much as we do? What tips do you have for others? If you like you can also send your projection!

Attention! Please use the comment function for your report, so that the project remains for posterity. In social networks, things are disappearing so fast! Of course you are allowed to add your stuff there as well. We are publishing new posts on social networks like Facebook and Twitter. For urgent questions and personal exchange you can also find the Ribbelmonster group on Facebook!

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