What would a new year be without good resolutions? Of course, only half as valuable, because those who have good resolutions for the new year also have goals and wishes. Do you already have good resolutions for 2020? Let’s look into the future of the Ribbelmonster Blog together!
Good Resolutions for 2020
I already had a closer look at last year in the retrospect. Now I have considered what went well or less well and developed new goals for the new year.

Maintain Network & Community
In the past few years, I have continued to develop my skills in creating patterns and I am actually quite satisfied with it. Unfortunately I am rather badly positioned in terms of network and community. Despite many experiments, I have learned little and made little progress. In contrast to comparable projects, the Ribbelmonster Blog only has a relatively small community in the various networks. I had already published the corresponding numbers in the New Year’s contribution and compared to the previous year they developed rather poorly.
I think it’s mainly because I’m not particularly extroverted and therefore often stay too much in the background. That is why there is not this “personality cult” around me, as with others, and somehow my inside resists it. I will probably not be able to change much about my personality, because what you don’t do with all your conviction will not be good either. But I can become more active on social networks and that is exactly what I have resolved to do this year. At the end of last year, I have already posted on social networks more often and I want to optimize that even further. Of course that also means that I have to organize better and that’s probably the biggest challenge.
Expand English Version
Some of you may know that the Ribbelmonster Blog is also available in English. Well at least large parts of it, because I still haven’t translated everything. It is much worse, however, that I also do not always manage to translate current content into English. Of course, this means that the part that has not yet been translated is constantly increasing, and of course I inevitably move further away from the goal of translating the entire blog into English. This year I would like to try to offer all new articles in English as well. To make this easier, I had already changed the structure of the instructions in the patterns last year.
Expand Thematic Worlds
Some of you know the thematic worlds, of which the appropriate ones are always shown on the home page. They should give you the opportunity to find suitable ideas, instructions and projects better. This year I would like to further expand this area and not only add longer topics, but also daily topics.
Reduce UFO’s
A partially annoying side effect are UFOs and who thinks I as a “professional” has none, is wrong. On the contrary, I have a particularly large number of UFOs and there are very specific reasons for this.
First of all, it takes much longer to develop patterns than to work according to patterns. In addition, for me crocheted objects are still UFOs as long as the patterns are not completely finished.
When I create patterns, they should of course fit current topics. So I always work on topics that will be relevant in the near future. Once I have worked myself into a topic, I can often not save myself from ideas. At some point the time has come and the topic is current and finished instructions are published or planned. However, I cannot finish unfinished patterns because the next topic is already on the agenda. So new UFOs always end up in the box.
I can’t do much about this and have learned to deal with it. A thematic classification system makes it easier for me to find UFOs on relevant topics. As soon as a topic becomes relevant again, I inevitably come across the UFOs. Sometimes a real blessing, because the preparation leads me to the patterns very quickly. Often, however, I have new ideas and prefer to implement them without even removing a UFO. This year I would like to concentrate even better on ending the old UFOs before I give myself up to new ideas.
Note: If you also have a small or large problem with UFOs, I will have a great surprise for you soon. So stay tuned!
Optimize Blog Design
In some places, I no longer like the design of the blog because it is simply monotonous or impractical. Therefore I would like to introduce some improvements here. This applies in particular to the presentation of the categories and subcategories. I also have a few new ideas for the homepage. The view of the articles must also be revised and there are still a lot of old articles that need to be revised. Well, and then I’m still looking for the ultimate print version.
Prefer Neglected Projects
As every year, of course, I find that I have neglected some projects. These include the Slenana series, the Twole series, the Mimami series and a few others. Of course I know that I can’t always do everything. But of course I don’t want anything to be left behind. That is why I would particularly like to prefer neglected projects this year, which of course also brings a little variety to the blog.
Conclusion: Good Resolutions for 2020
As you can see, I’ve made a lot of plans and I’m looking forward to an exciting year with you. I hope you like the outlook into the new year and of course I am very happy about your suggestions and constructive criticism.
Ich wünsche dir viel Spaß damit!
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