
Pixel Pattern – Baby Dog – 35×35

Das Pixelmuster Babyhund ist eine kostenlose Vorlage für einen Babyhund als 35×35 Pixelmuster. Das Pixelmuster ist für viele verschiedene Techniken einsetzbar, beispielsweise als Zählmuster zum Häkeln, Zählmuster zum Stricken, als Stickmuster oder als Bastelmuster.

Usage: Pixel Pattern – Baby Dog – 35×35

The pixel pattern is very versatile and you can use it for very different techniques. Here is a list of possible uses, just pick one!

  • Counting pattern for crocheting
  • Counting pattern for knitting
    • Knit pixel pattern as a Norwegian pattern
    • Knit pixel pattern as a doubleface pattern
  • Embroidery pattern
    • Embroider pixel patterns as a cross-stitch pattern
  • Pixel pattern for crafting
    • Pixel pattern as swirl beads pattern
    • Pixel pattern as a pattern for threaded pearl coasters

Template: Pixel Pattern – Baby Dog – 35×35

Das Pixelmuster Babyhund zeigt einen niedlichen Babyhund. Du kannst die Farbe des Hintergrundes frei anpassen, solltest jedoch die Farben des Babyhundes nur mit Bedacht ändern, damit das Motiv wiedererkennbar bleibt.

Download: Pixel Pattern – Baby Dog – 35×35

If you want to download the pixel pattern, you can simply click on the image. Then the pixel pattern opens in the whole format. Now you can easily save or print it using the functions of your browser.

Numbering: Pixel Pattern – Baby Dog – 35×35

Since counting is done in a different direction depending on the use of the pixel pattern there are is numbering on the pixel pattern. You can simply hand-write it to the sides after printing the pixel pattern.

Examples: Pixel Pattern – Baby Dog – 35×35

If you do not know how to use the pixel pattern for the different techniques just have a look at the instructions above about using the pixel pattern!

It is also worth taking a look at the comments in this post. Maybe someone has done something great with the Pixelmuster and shared with us. Of course you are also welcome to show us your work!

Viel Spaß mit dem Pixelmuster!

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